Monday, November 10, 2008

My current reading

Some books I have recently read and am currently reading:

Conspiracy of Violence: by Susanna Gregory. I've long been a fan of her medieval mystery series, so I thought I would give this a go. Set in Restoration England, the story centers around Thomas Chaloner, alias Heyden, a nearly destitute spy who can't get work due to a vengeful former patron. He receives help from a former spymaster and soon becomes entangled in murder and dangerous politics while searching for hidden gold in the Tower of London.

The Septembers of Shiraz:
by Dalia Sofer. A NY Times Notable Book, The Septembers of Shiraz is a good read. The protagonist is a Jewish Iranian, Issac Amin, who one day is snatched by the Revolutionary Guards, having been denounced by an anonymous accuser. His wife frantically tries to find him as he endures the nightmare of an Iranian jail. Set in Iran in the aftermath of the Shah's fall, it is a gripping read and becomes even more so when one learns that this really happened to the author's father.

Snow: By Ohan Parmuk. A Turkish poet living in Germany goes home to investigate a rash of suicides comitted by young girls. I've only started reading this book, but it promises to be a great read. Some Amazon reviewers hated it, but I like it so far. Parmuk won the Nobel prize for literatture in 2006.

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